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Growth, Discovery & Programming for the 6 – 9 year old (3* CEU Hours)

Regular price $39.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $39.00 USD
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3 Continuing Education Hours*

CEU/CEC Credits By Certifying Body






0.3 CEUs

3.0 CEUs

2.0 CECs

3.0 CEUs


*Based on NASM requirements.

Learning Objectives

  1. Discover what kids want from fitness and how to use that lesson to motivate.

  2. Identify and apply the 4 “Keys to the Kingdom.”

  3. Employ effective coaching techniques for 6 to 9 year olds.

  4. Develop appropriate program design for 6 to 9 year olds.

  5. Learn useful session management techniques.

There are appropriate coaching techniques for youth of all ages and this course focuses on the six to nine year old population. Again, Jane Curth has partnered with Phil Hueston, an expert in youth fitness, to present this valuable course.

Phil was named IYCA Coach of the Year for 2012-13, as well as the author of Alchemy: Where the Art and Science Collide in Youth Fitness (2015), Phil brings experience and energy to this engaging course about making a difference in children’s lives everywhere. This course will provide the tools necessary to work effectively with six to nine year olds in the areas of coaching, program design, and session management. Increase your reach with this course and make a difference in a child’s life.